We are pleased to announce the isoc winners of the Owlypia competition. The students from Year 4, 5 and 6 were invited to form a team of 3 and participate in this incredibly fun and exciting Owlypia Local Romania Round.   Congratulations to the following students for their excellent results and for 
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As part of our tradition, we continue to support and participate in the community by giving a helping hand to those who need our help. This year we will run the “Un Paste Mai Bun-2023” (“A BETTER EASTER”) campaign, with a wish to bring a touch 
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On Wednesday, 1st March, we had an emergency information training session for the entire school staff and students. We are incredibly grateful to the firemen and Fire department and the ISGU Reps for providing us with valuable insights on the procedures we all need to 
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isoc welcomed European University Consortium, a group of 8 universities from Europe with classes taught in English, for a series of presentations and a mini-fair for our Year 11, 12 and year 13 students. During the mini-fair, students had the opportunity to visit booths representing 
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