
Creative Arts

We are very fortunate to have an enthusiastic team of specialist teachers, who bring with them boundless energy, experience and drive to continue to strive for excellence within the school. 

The Creative Arts Department’s vision is to create an environment in which students feel inspired and confident to develop new skills in Music, Drama and Art. We are committed to creating an atmosphere of self-esteem, respect, enthusiasm and cooperation. Challenging students, both academically and creatively, we develop skills that meet and adhere to our Curriculum in Music, Drama and Art. We aim to increase the students’ understanding of the arts through innovative teaching approaches including cross-curricular activities, clubs and enrichment opportunities.

Each year, towards the end of the first term, secondary students from all three subject areas take part in the Arts Week Assembly, which has become an annual showcase for the diverse range of musical, dramatic and artistic work being done at the school. The primary students are also involved in class/year group activities related with music, arts or drama. Students put a lot of work throughout the year and perform in talent shows, art exhibitions or competitions and short productions.

Last year ended with the Secondary School production, Mac.