
Welcome to our Kindergarten

We place great value on our Early Years Foundation Stage as our youngest children begin their learning journey at isoc. This important stage spans the years spent in

During these pivotal years, your child will access the English Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, building on their experiences from their earliest years across seven key areas of learning. These are made up of three prime areas:

At isoc, we work in a positive partnership with parents to shape learning to meet every unique child’s needs. Young children show enthusiasm for many varied things and their interests and fascination in things changes and develops – sometimes in an unpredictable way! Because of this, our approach to planning learning opportunities in EYFS aims to create a balance between planned activities and child-led learning.

Early Years Foundation Stage

As children progress through the EYFS, these prime areas help to support your child to develop their essential skills and knowledge across four further, specific areas:

Specific areas

Prime areas

Each class in the EYFS department is set up with a wide range of age-appropriate resources which are accessible and self-managed by the children. These ‘Continuous Provision’ resources are always available so that children know where to find what they want and they can choose independently. The role of the adults working in our EYFS classes is varied: from quietly observing to questioning, suggesting and challenging or perhaps demonstrating and sharing a skill or idea. As well as our skilled class teachers and assistants, all our EYFS classes benefit from lessons taught by our specialist PE teachers and Music teacher. Children in Stars class are also taught Computing skills and their home language (Romanian, Mandarin or Arabic are offered as a Modern Foreign Language – MFL).

At the heart of our EYFS department are our children: we support them to be engaged, to be motivated and to learn. In this way they can then continue on with their learning journey at isoc to Learn, Respect and Succeed. . We believe that children achieve their best when there is a strong partnership between home and school and for this reason we work tirelessly to build close relationships with parents/carers.

Our core values to – Learn, Respect and Succeed are central to both pastoral and academic learning.