In Secondary school, we prepare our students to engage thoughtfully and responsibly in today’s changing world. We focus on creating learning environments and opportunities that value the world as the broadest context for learning, ensuring that students are exposed to real-world questions and concerns within and beyond their local contexts. Every lesson in our secondary school is prepared according to our high-quality teaching and learning standards. We see that success is beyond the excellent exam results, and we enrich our curriculum with 21st-century skills. We expect and welcome diversity and promise a broad and balanced curriculum where each learner is taken as a unique individual.
Our highly qualified and well-motivated teachers are supported by enthusiastic support staff and provide engaging, challenging lessons to bring out the best in our students. Our curriculum in KS3 is based on the English National Curriculum and is enhanced by Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) programmes throughout the school. In KS4, students continue their learning journey with the Cambridge IGCSE curriculum.
Our curriculum follows the English National Curriculum by providing a broad, balanced, education which is enhanced by the Cambridge Secondary 1 programme in English, Maths and Science. Students will build on and consolidate the skills and knowledge which they have learnt in the Primary School. This will prepare them for the demands of the examination courses they follow in Key Stage 4 and 5. Students are taught in mixed ability classes for all subjects except English.
The Key Stage 3 programme of study develops the key skills enabling our students to embrace lifelong learning required for our ever-changing globalized world. Key Stage 3 acts as a transition phase between the primary education and the onset of courses leading to external examinations (GCSEs and the IB Diploma).
Early in Year 9, students have the opportunity to sit an on-line careers and aptitude test which allows students to gain an idea of how their interests and academic skills match with possible careers.
Ages 11 to 13
All students are required to study a two-year programme leading to the International General Certificate of Secondary Education.
The curriculum includes 4 core subjects of English, Mathematics, Global Perspectives and a Modern Foreign Language as well as a compulsory non-IGCSE course in PE and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE).
In addition, all students take 4 option subjects; one of these must be a Science subject and one a Humanities subject. The remaining two choices can be from the Arts or additional subjects from the Humanities or Sciences. We believe that this range ensures they are taking a suitable spread of subjects to aid their transition to the IB Diploma in Year 12. Our subject choice structure also ensures that students are eligible for the Cambridge International Certificate of Education (ICE).
Each IGCSE subject is assessed at the end of Year 11 through a mixture of coursework and external examination. The grades are published in August each year.
IGCSEs are graded from A* (the best) to G (the poorest). Grades A*; A; B and C are considered to be good passes and for entry to our IB Diploma programme in Year 12 students are expected to gain 5 or more good passes.
Ages 14 to 16
Education for our students extends beyond class time. We have extensive after-school activities and clubs. As an Eco-School, our students are actively involved in eco projects, and they learn to become thoughtful and responsible global citizens. All students from 14 years of age have the opportunity to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award programme. Excellent pastoral care and career guidance counselling support students throughout their journey. A culture of respect and high expectations drives all that we do.